Thursday, September 6, 2012

Heros of Family & Faith

When I was a child, I watched the very first episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. I loved their family and the fact that they were "Christians". I was inspired from the first episode to have a hot husband and a full nest. Well, it's no secret that the Goslins did not exactly succeed in showing the world the successes of a christian family.

I remember the first time I watched the Dugger family on television. I believe it was the very beginning when they were on a talk show of some sort. My jaw dropped as I watched the way this mother and father handled their family. I loved the way their girls were beautiful and their boys were handsome and in no way "dorky". The first time I insisted that my mom watch the show, she wasn't so parents don't watch tv really. She was in awe as well.

Anyhow, I can NOT believe the hilarious stuff people come up with online about these people. It sounds to me like a lot of them are jealous of unable to understand them. Here's a few fun ones (people who write these comments probably don't watch the show because their conclusions are inaccurate and refuted ON THE SHOW)

The Duggers have church in their home so the can be tax exempt. NO, they are part of a small church that meets in different people's homes every month. The Dugger's happen to have a large home that they use for the services from time to time.

By the way, the Duggers pay CASH for all of their medical needs even baby deliveries yes. How many people do you know that can do that?!

The Dugger children are happy. Don't believe me, watch the show. RARELY do you see a child throw a fit or need to be harshly corrected. And man oh man am I tired of poorly behaved children PARENTS GET A GRIP IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE A BURDEN TO THOSE AROUND THEM. If you don't know how to lovingly or correctly raise children, please have mercy on the world, have some self control and stop having them.

They are very wealthy ("prosperous" in the words of the Bible). Jim Bob and Michelle own several commercial properties that they rent out.

They are contributing to over population. Really? This one is funny to me. Have you been to rural Colorado? or any part of the midwest, just in America alone?! There is PLENTY of room for people on this Earth. People die every day. I would rather have a ton of people like the Duggers around than lots of space for a few more hookers, hobos, wife beaters, crooked politicians and child molesters. (all offered grace and forgiveness from Christ by the way)

Some people ask why they haven't adopted. Well, they can have children, so why would they take in adopted children when there are people out there who can't conceive?

These people have convictions about what they wear. They have aligned these convictions with the Bible. Their outfits and make up is cute and not Amish/1860s looking. All of their kids are adorable. AND HEALTHY! Have you seen one child with a food allergy or glasses?! Granted Josie is the first baby to be milk intolerant, but for goodness sake, she was a preemie that has excelled beyond medical reasoning. Michelle has explained their convictions about clothing in her blog and also said that it is "not for everyone".

People say these kids haven't been in the "real world". Since when was it cool to be in the real world? Maybe since it was cool to be pregnant at 14? The real world is sad and ugly. However, these kids have traveled all over the world, experiencing more of the "real world" than most of the ignorant people saying that they (the Dugger's) haven't.

The older kids take care of the younger ones. Um yeah...probably because they love each other. Their family is one that was conceived and raised in genuine love according to the Bible. They are taught to serve just as Jesus guides us to do so in the Bible. I have never seen one of the older kids complain. None of them seem to be in a hurry to get out of the house. Don't you think if they were sick of the babies, they would move out? Yeah, it's love people, I know it's hard to understand for some. Oh yeah and remember that one thing, unselfishness. Oh and servant hood.

LOL one person said "Shopping in thrift stores is not helping them adapt to the real life at all". HAHA! That's called "saving money" and being wise with finances, another thing that the world is losing a grip on. Remember that little thing known as national debt crisis. That is what "real life" should be doing. It's a life skill we should have all been raised with.

The Dugger's are NOT Pentacostal. Anyone who knows anything about Christian denominations would know that these people are Baptist, and they have mentioned it on the show.

No, having 20 children is not for everyone, their lifestyle is the way God intended family to be. It's literally plastered in scripture all over their home. I am SO blessed by this family and their testimony. Dave and I can only hope that we can come even remotely close to what their family is amounting to in number and integrity. If you have any questions about their family and beliefs, watch the show, they don't hide anything. It's called "reality tv" for a reason, and what they have is REAL.